The plot :
Pickle is a night security guard at a bronze statue factory. His colleague, Belly Bottom, works as a recycling collector during the day, and Pickle's biggest pleasure in life is flicking through the porn magazines Belly Bottom collects in the small hours in the security room. Having late night snacks and watching television are an integral part of their dull lives. One day when the television is broken, their lives are changed forever.
Pickle and Belly Button decide to peek at Pickle’s wealthy boss Kevin’s dashcam. The footage reveals an exciting world—late night roadside hookups, visits to expensive love hotels—and a bitter dispute between Kevin and an old lover
(Source IMDB)

Black & White with a touch of color
The great Buddha is a black and white movie except for Dashcam portions to highlight contrast between the poor and the rich in Taiwan. Watch the trailer below
Documentary influence
Huang Hsin Yao, the movie director, from a documentary background regularly makes comments during the movie. (watch below for more explainations). His voiceover comments are humoristic yet serious views on society and life.
5 reasons to watch "The Great Buddha+"
1. You are sick of Netflix blockbusters, and you need a kick !
2. You are genuinely interested in foreign movies but without any Kung-fu tricks
3. You enjoy dark movies, satire, humor, and can appreciate life with it's different shade of grays.
4. You are a foreigner (like me) in Taiwan, and want to improve your knowledge of Taiwanese slang !
5. You have no idea how talented are Taiwanese movie directors, and it's time for you to open your eyes.
If you want to know more
about this movie, here are some International reviews:
2017- Language : Taiwanese + English subs - available on Netflix