We are finally in and we are officially proud residents of the 5f design office.
what better than our 2019 Team Rutan workshop to sign the entrance of our territory
Bye Bye ID LAB
Hello New LAB !
more spacious, better air quality with a professional paint cabin and a hood for the printer.
Last but not least the lab is equipped with a great paper towel dispenser to wipe our fellow designers' hands !
New office, New tools, New habits ! Big changes for everyone !
These signs are just the tip of the iceberg !
The lab supports the iterative design process, to review and test ideas
we upgraded the lab, but kept this only and simple principle
It's difficult not to like the view from the office.
Sunny or Rainy we can enjoy it all ! that's the best part about it !
Definitely it helps the whole morning get to work experience !
Happy Weekend Shopping Struggling !
Shopping goodies at IKEA for the office with broken cart wheel makes you realize how a little dysfunctions can trigger negative user experience.
Bright, Open and Flexible working area
Stand up tables have been adopted the very first hour ! all day long design team goes up & down, to work, discuss and relax their back, legs or shoulders
but more important it has changed the way we work, discuss project and exchange ideas. brilliant for open communication and collaboration
Bringing positive experience to support Mitac business strategy is the product design team mission !
It's only one of the step towards a long design team adventure !
This office is a white notebook, and plenty of good adventure and stories are yet to be written down together by it's residents ! keep in touch for some news in the coming weeks !