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Designer's table arrangement

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

People works at least 1/3 of their lives.

Sitting and working well are very important for their long-term work health and efficiency. In this post, I am going to introduce "8 designers" sitting positions and table arrangement.

Let’s see how and why each designer arrange his or her table to enhance their work environment.

The picture below is showing our designers' sitting positions and how they arrange their desktop computers, monitors, cables, mock-up storage and hand-working area.

1. 45 degree dual screen type (computer under table)

After interview with 45 degree users, Deloon, Rick and Miller, they prefer 45 degree arrangement because the deep and wide space in front of him on table. The space on his left side can be used for free sketching and writing area. The space on right side can be used as books and samples storage area. However, the computer machine and the random stuff under their table influence their leg moves.

2. Horizontal desktop type

The horizontal type lover is our designer, William. He explains the reason to locate his main screen horizontally in front of him and secondary screen on the side is because he can have the main monitor and window's view in front of him. The secondary monitor on the side can offer him to compare and modify things together. The space under his table is empty to free move although he put most of things on his table.

3. 45 degree desktop type 2 (computer on table)

The 45 degree desktop type 2 (with computer on table) has different benefits. Martin in the interview explains the reason to locate both 2 monitors in front of him is because he can not only have 2 screens to work on but also the free space under table allows him to move freely. Besides, the computer on the table can be more easily manipulated and maintain cleanness. However, I think the cables are hard to organize when computer is on the table.

4. L type

The L desktop type (put computer vertically beside screen) is popular for our female designers. Lillian explains the reasons in the interview to locate computer beside screen is to offer some protection feeling or security when she works on her works. In this L shape space, she can be more focused on her works without disturbance or interruption by other moving things. The space under table is also free to move around.

All in all, Sit well and work well. Which arrangement do you think it's the best?

Through my UX evaluation as below from Hand space, machine maintenance, sketching space, mock-up storage, cable arrangement to leg movement, our winner is 45 degree type even with or without machine on table. The choice I think it depends on if you need better cable arrangement and leg freedom. In general, I think as long as you choose 45 degree you will have clean and wide work environment.

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