這個討厭的武漢病毒讓世界各地都有生病的人 連假也不能出去只能悶在家超 級 崩 潰 ┻━┻︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ 根本是讓全世界的人都在座月子,而且不論東方人西方人還不論男女!!!!!! 就在疫情越來越嚴重的同時,Mitac每間廁所和茶水間都多了一個洗手步驟指示。...
120 years in between these 2 pictures and yet seems like nothing much has change except most electric cars have roof. both users are...
People works at least 1/3 of their lives. Sitting and working well are very important for their long-term work health and efficiency. In...
You may have seen this representative wave from Japan; it is one of the most well-known masterpieces called [神奈川衝浪裏 The Great Wave off...
The plot : Pickle is a night security guard at a bronze statue factory. His colleague, Belly Bottom, works as a recycling collector...
Not you ! if you are reading this post now, it's because you ... did not win the PDD 2020 Lottery ! Poor you ! But because we want to...
I can hear you from here ! " What ? in Mitac they do crazy OT (overtime) ?. no we don't ! Today Nicole(UE) & Rick(ID) have invited a...
At the moment everyone is getting ready for the coming New Year 2019, we received a new task - The design project of the 2019 new...
We are alive ! This year, Martin and I attended the Hong Kong Design Inspiration Expo 2019. Despite the turbulent political situation and...
“Where’s Waldo” “Where’s Waldo” is an easy paper game, that readers play this game by finding small Waldo figure in a painting. The...
For special reasons, it’s my turn to prepare a welcome video with Rick. Thanks for all the support(Filming, ideas, suggestions ... etc.)...
DESIGNER FATE: OFTEN WORK ALL NIGHT LONG ? I believe most of designers who no matter in school design learning stage or being work in...
June 14th, 2019, started my first business trip, Kunshan, China. At this time, I had just been in the Mitac ID team for half a year, our...
當我決定進入神達前,內心每天都在跑折返跑,該去?! 不去?! 該去?! 不去?! 業界實習是我目標,但人總會有恐懼,害怕沒能力、害怕做不好、害怕種種...,因卡在學業部分身邊人多數持反對票,最終我還是鼓起勇氣下了這筆賭注。...
Just a few minutes ago, our youngest designer Martin, presented his study directly to Steve, our president. This early stage study is a...
" you have 15" to design a structure to protect an egg from a 5 m drop fall ! " Material : Plastic straws 12 / adhesive tape 1 meter"....
Team Spirit in Team building How to connect team members and build a team is one of important things among leaders. ID and HMI have very...
自從行車記錄器大廠相繼推出帶有簡單語音控制的的產品後,2018 年後更是推出結合Alexa 的最新機種,到底語音控制為什麼那麼火紅,從智慧家電一路燒到車用系統,就讓我們來一探究竟吧! 為什麼需要語音控制? 容易被干擾的短期記憶...
All the designs are unique. Every product design has its own different requirement and circumstance. Even design the same product several...